5.5.2021 Intro to Chakras & Colors- for Joy & Healing

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Chakras and Colors (1).png
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5.5.2021 Intro to Chakras & Colors- for Joy & Healing


5.5.2021 Intro To Chakras & Colors - for Joy & Healing

75 minute class + 15 min additional Q&A

Intro & overview of 7 chakras and of their colors (old & new) and an overview of  color healing and what is color made of. We will delve into how colors  can help us raise our vibration & heal. 

And, how can self -awareness  (through the lens of the  main 7 chakras in the body) help us access more Joy, Strength and Healing. 

Reserve Your Place

We will also cover the 1st Chakra more in depth. This workshop  also includes a closer look &  overview of the root chakra/ base chakra. This is  our 1st Energy Center that is the key for all the others. It’s your foundation.

We all have been thrown a bit off our center in the past year. So starting with the root chakra is key. 

( This is the intro or part one course of Chakras & Colors series. We will offer a continuation course later on with a full look at the rest of the 7 chakras with an upcoming 3 week course.)

This workshop has powerful & fun teachings & guided meditation 🧘‍♀️ for centering & getting grounded in our bodies & mind & soul.

🌟What are the chakras or Energy centers in & around your body ?

🌟How can connecting to them, learning and being aware of them & your body’s energy, help you be more centered, powerful, & joyful. ?

🌟What are the colors that are associated with each of the 7 chakras ?

🌟What is color made of and how can Color therapy help you heal & grow in joy & strength?

Course is held on Zoom so there will be space to ask questions. It is a live virtual experience...not pre-recorded. I look forward to connecting with this group of curious seekers!